Animation/Live Action 4min 24sec
Bert and Carol are two of the most pleasantly revolting characters you'll ever meet. In this short exploration of their habitat and habits, Bert finds out what's for dinner and Carrol finds out what's on telly. Stop animation and live action combine in this amusing Aussie version of "The Simpsons" cartoon. Depicting our most popular cultural past-times of watching telly, drinking beer and farting, the film gives us something to think about... Just who are the Simpletons? Hand-made in Australia.
Year: 1999
Prod Co: Fudd Films
Producers: Louisa Dent & Mark Pearce
Writer: Louisa Dent
Director: Louisa Dent
Cinematographer: Louisa Dent
Editor: Louisa Dent
Bert - Angus Smallwood
Carol: Anne Radvansky