Introducing the ITNJ Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Weaponisation of the Biosphere. Eye-witness and expert testimony into crimes committed against human health and the enduring ecocide of planet Earth. These testimonies, filmed in Indonesia from June 23 & 24, 2019, expose the agencies and institutions involved in acts of ecocide and genocide.
Year: 2019
Producers: Mark Pearce & Guille Soto
Editor: Mark Pearce
Organisation: Humanitad Foundation

Lawyer, Sue Grey testifies to a number of unlawful acts of the crown and its contractors who have been aerially spreading deadly poison, called 1080, on DOC land, Maori Land and private land. Sue and her team has identified over 10 possible legal challenges involving apparent criminal or civil breaches of statutory obligations by DoC, OSPRI and/or poison contractors.
Sue Grey testified on June 23, 2019 before the ITNJ Commission of Inquiry into Weaponisation of the Biosphere.

Del Bigtree is one of the preeminent voices of the vaccine risk awareness movement. His non-profit organisation, Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) is leading worldwide investigations into drug and vaccine fraud and has already resulted in two winning lawsuits against US government agencies; Health and Human Services and the National Institute of Health.
Del Bigtree testified on June 23, 2019 before the ITNJ Commission of Inquiry into Weaponisation of the Biosphere.

Alan Simmons, a hunting and fishing guide has been an Outdoors-man all of his life. However over the last 50 years he has witnessed such a vast change in both the New Zealand way of life as well as the rapid decline in a once relatively pristine ecology and environment. In this ITNJ testimony he speaks out about halting the aerial 1080 toxin being dropped by helicopter over large areas of New Zealand, which causes collateral damage and death to other animal species eating and taking in this poison. He also talks about the spin doctors from the Department of Conservation and the Green Party saying that they are totally accepting of this poison as the only option to rid of feral species.

On July 13, 1959, a top secret experiment in the Californian San Fernando Valley went horribly wrong forcing a manual emergency shutdown at the Santa Susana Field Laboratory. It was the beginning of a partial nuclear meltdown, a rarity in U.S. history. Knowledge of what occurred has weighed heavily on Carolyn Tyler's shoulders. In this moving testimony, Carolyn speaks out for the first time about the horrific health consequences that her and family members have experienced since the nuclear cover-up. Testimony also given by Dr. Sandra Rose Michael.

In 1996, Jim Humble discovered what has come to be known as Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS - chlorine dioxide); a simple health formula that successfully cured over 5,000 malaria victims in Africa. Since this time, hundreds of thousands of people have used MMS to recover their health from a wide range of diseases, despite big pharma's disinformation program to discredit Jim and MMS.

Ed Griffin gives evidence describing cancer as a deficiency disease, aggravated by the lack of an essential food compound in the modern human diet. The lacking substance is vitamin B17. In its purified form developed for cancer therapy, it is known as Laetrile.
G. Edward Griffin testified on June 24, 2019 before the ITNJ Commission of Inquiry into Weaponisation of the Biosphere.

Mitai - House of Paraone-Kawiti and Emere-Te-Paea - House of Robson were heard before the ITNJ Commission to provide evidence that pristine New Zealand has become a dumping ground for 1080 poison.

On the 24th June, 2019, ITNJ Trustee Emeritus, Sacha Stone gave a powerful speech. His remarks wrap up the Day 1 Seatings of the ITNJ Judicial Commission of Inquiry into the Weaponisation of the Biosphere.

This statement by Dr. Robert O. Young provides a brief history of how and why the State Department put him out of business and addresses the responsiveness to his natural treatments for health.

Dr. Priyanka Bandara is an expert on the adverse health effects suffered by thousands of Australians from wireless communication systems that emit microwave/radio-frequency electromagnetic radiation (MW/RF-EMR). This type of radiation has already been classified as 2B possible carcinogen by the WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)*.
*Ref: http://www.thelancet.com/…/PIIS1470-2045(11)70147-4/fulltext

Dr. Joseph Mercola remains optimistic despite Google recently de-platforming his natural health business. The careless corporate monopoly has enabled a warning to take down all natural health specialists after gaining inspiration from pharma propaganda lobyists. However, Dr. Mercola has the interests of health independence, integrity, and civil liberties at heart.
Dr. Mercola testified to the ITNJ court on 24th June, 2019.

Dr. Zach Bush, MD is applying the rigor of science, strength of humanity, and the intelligence of nature to transform our health & our world. This message was heard as part of the Commission of Inquiry into the Weaponisation of the Biosphere, June 24, 2019.

Dane Wigington is the lead researcher for geoengineeringwatch.org and has investigated all levels of geoengineering from spray jets to HAARP. He also assisted Michael Murphy with his production of "What in the Hell are They Spraying."
This video was presented for the Commission of Inquiry into the Weaponisation of the Biosphere 24th June, 2019.

Fifteen minutes of question time to end the Indonesian seating of the Commission of Inquiry into the Weaponisation of the Biosphere.