The native predators and pristine habitat systems in the Kimberly are under threat. The impact of the cane toad is capable of destroying one of the last great biodiverse wilderness areas in the world. Keeping toad numbers under control is managed by the local community, led by toad buster extraordinaire, Ben Scott-Virtue.
National Landscapes Nature Series
Balangara Films co-produced the first handful of promo films with Wildiaries for Tourism Australia to showcase Australia’s National Landscapes. The series features the people and wildlife that inspire artistic endeavours, life changing journeys and lifelong passions in the stunning beauty of Australian landscapes.
Co producers: Balangara Films, Wildiaries
Writer: Mark Pearce
Director: Mark Pearce
DOP: Nick Hayward
Editor: Mark Pearce
MUSIC: Brett Winterford http://www.brettwinterford.com
Sleep Makes Waves http://sleepmakeswaves.bandcamp.com/